\', 1979 to 1983 DOHC CB750/900/1000/1100 Honda Custom, \' - \', Honda DOHC Customs, \'
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Past Surveys

· My significant other thinks my bike is: (Results - 1373 votes)
· Things I Like Almost As Much As Riding (Results - 161 votes)
· What really goes on in Frank's workshop? (Results - 133 votes)
· The moderators of this forum are: (Results - 369 votes)
· What's the green wire for? (Results - 707 votes)
· Next to helmets, what is your most important piece of safety gear? (Results - 641 votes)
· Excluding consumables (tires, fluids, brake pads etc) how much do you have into your bike? (US $$) (Results - 349 votes)
· How Many Miles Do You Ride Per Year? (Results - 283 votes)
· Do you up-shift without using the clutch? (Results - 285 votes)
· Frappr Map (Results - 55 votes)
· What year is the newest bike you've owned? (Results - 226 votes)
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