\', 1979 to 1983 DOHC CB750/900/1000/1100 Honda Custom, \' - \', Honda DOHC Customs, \'
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My significant other thinks my bike is:

A money-draining parasite on the home budget
My personal mental health plan
A dangerous folly from my youth
Taking up space that could be used for shoes
A part of me that will go after she does
A welcome diversion to her insane family
My bike IS my significant other


Votes 1373

Front Brake Master Cylinder Reservoir
Hello everyone and thanks for the Add
Seasons Greetings to all
Installing CB900 Cams into a 1980 CB750C
Happy Thanksgiving!
Help diagnosing oil on valve
1984 CB750 DOHC chopper not running on cylinders 2 and 3
Other Bikes Thoughts. Vulcan900, Honda VTX 1300, HD Softail
Installing Caliper Dust Cover Boot
Badge Hole Centers

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